
Saturday 6 April 2024


The Daily Mail report that Bob Deller died of "Mad Cow Disease", after a GP had diagnosed him with vertigo due to dizzy spells. The article is behind a paywall. Although it does say he was a fit and healthy grandfather, he played golf and did yoga. He began receiving headaches and started feeling dizzy in the summer of 2023, four months after seeing the GP, Bob Deller died.

The fact is that "mad cows disease" is what animals get, not humans. The human equivalent is CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, known has CJD. 

You may remember that the Chief Scientist of Astra-Zeneca also died of CJD soon after the Nanotechnology mRNA Covid injections were given.

Scientists warned the medical professionals years ago about this in a scientific paper.

26 cases of CJD were declared days after Covid-19 Jab.

Not only are people at risk of getting CJD, Cardiologists and Oncologists are demanding that the mRNA injections be banned completely. 

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