
Monday 29 April 2024


Congratulations Brave Hearts, congratulations Scotland. Let's all celebrate together, united we stand. 

Humza Yousaf, the unelected leader resigns as first minister. Humza threw the "race card" and told the Scottish people that Scotland was too white. 

The "race card" was then thrown straight back at him. 

Then there was the "gender" card and introduction of a "hate law", JK Rowling and brave Scots took his ideology and law apart. The police received over 8,000 complaints about the "hate" dished out by Humza Yousaf. 

Some are calling JK Rowling, Queen of Scotland for standing up to him. We applaud her for standing strong in the face of adversity. 

Then the Green party put the final nail in the coffin of the SNP, and his party collapsed.

There is an advantage to being a small country, it is far quicker to get rid of those that stand against us and our historical culture. Scotland belongs to the Scottish people, long live Scotland. 

Love to Scotland and Scottish friends, it has been a long time since I walked upon the land of Scotland. 

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