
Tuesday 2 April 2024


The Media Line journalist, Hudhaifa Ebrahim has reported that Arabs are moving from Europe to the Gulf countries in pursuit of a better quality of life. Many Arabs with European citizenship who left for the Gulf cited high taxes and struggles to maintain their religious traditions. 

The Arab professionals don't like paying in excess of 40%-50% tax on income.

It's not only the Gulf countries that they're going too either, I was listening to a lady earlier this evening that had moved to Malaysia for the same reasons. Saira Hayati gives her seven reasons for why she has moved her family to Malaysia.

And another one, saying leave now due to taxes. A lawyer based in Dubai, he has been based there for five years. Although this video begins by talking about the non-dom changes that were made in the most recent budget. 

Of course the more people that leave, will provide more houses for other people in the UK and the rest of Europe. From experience I know that Arabs don't like paying taxes and in the UK we have very high taxes. The highest taxes since WW2.

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