
Sunday 24 March 2024


Palm Sunday and I received a letter through my door asking me to vote for a Liberal Democrat, my response by text was no and the reason why. Liberal Democrats have supported mass migration, in fact, one of our local council officers was all pleased with herself whilst she was telling a committee that she had organised the pick-up of 1,000 Sudanese from the airport. They sent a welcome party, so why is this a major issue? 

Professor Matt Goodwin tells he people why mass immigration is a major issue. Although I told our Liberal Democrat MP that it was a major issue in 2007. He's not the MP for our locality anymore. 

This is Matt Goodwin's website and article on what he told the people at an immigration event on whether is is good for Britain.

Is Immigration Good For Britain? Konstantin Kisin and Prof. Matthew Goodwin take on Aaron Bastani and Polly Toynbee, who are for mass migration, they debate these most divisive talking points in 2024. 

Polly used to be a social democrat, she supports the Labour Party and so does Aaron. Our local council is run by Liberal Democrats that are in coalition with Labour. 

Matt says that mass immigration is a "ponzi scheme". and half of universities shouldn't be universities at all. I agree with Matt and it is a National State of Emergency. He says there is a million illegal migrants in the UK. Again, I agree, even during the time of Theresa May being minister of the Home Office, border force knew that they were coming into the country, they didn't know where they went, or if any of them actually left the country. 

1hr 38mins. 

What else do the Liberal Democrats support NET ZERO, even though the local council have provided no evidence that there is a climate emergency. Liberal Democrats are on the WEF Green agenda. 

Remember it was the Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg the globalist, that went to work for Facebook, the same Facebook that was de-platforming people and their freedom of speech. The same Liberal Democrat that shared No10 with David Cameron when the Liberal Democrats pushed for student fees. The Liberal Democrats also were all for the lockdowns and the Nanotechnology mRNA injections too. 

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