
Saturday 30 March 2024


The Canary Islands have seen illegal migrant numbers from west Africa soar, with nearly 40,000 arriving by boat from Africa. Clearly, Spain is not defending its waters and allowing the invasion to happen to the beautiful Islands. 

The latest uproar is on Lanzarote due to the possibility of a new migrant centre not far from the airport. The villagers say there is already another centre for 400 already existing nearby. Historically, one million British tourists and expats arrive each year at the nearby airport on Lanzarote. 

In 2023, 39,910 illegal migrants reached the Canary Islands after crossing by boat, and increase of 155 per cent compared with 2022. So far in 2024, a total of 14,724 sea arrivals to Spain have been recorded, 8,067 in January, 5,968 in February and 689 as of 17 March. The Express has contacted the Spanish government for comment. 

For sure, people don't go on holiday to see illegal migrants, so this will surely have an impact on tourism to the Canaries. The Canaries are very small Islands, they can't take the heavy burden of this many illegal migrants.

I will just have to remember the Canaries has it once was, the last time I was in the Canaries was 20 years ago. Let's hope that in the EU elections, the Spanish and the people of the Canaries vote for the people that will defend their Islands and stop accepting people from outside of the EU. 

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