
Saturday 16 March 2024


It has been quite awhile since I've had a dream of George Michael, he was on the opposite side of the High Street and he was going into an historic hotel with his name. The George. I had my dog with me and wondered whether we should go over and say hi. 

George and The George and St George's Day is next month on the 23rd of April, 2024. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of someone famous, is encouraging you to keep on trying because you will get help from an unexpected source. To dream of a dog is also significant has they are symbolic of friends, when a dog is friendly it can signify pleasure and happy times with friends. Confirmation, on track, in the right place at the right time. The timing is always important. 

Some of George's causes were the "homeless" and the "elderly". He could see what was happening in the UK and especially England. George Michael came from a working class family with strong work ethics and he never forgot his roots. 

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