
Saturday 2 March 2024


This is the best historical video on George Galloway that I've seen so far. It was made by British-Iranian,  Potkin Azarmehr. It includes a film clip of when he faced off with George Galloway, himself. Clips that are evidence that Galloway is a "liar", also the famous clip of Galloway being a cat on all fours, licking from the hands of Rula. Galloway doesn't like being reminded of his subservient cat days, meow, meow. 

Let's face it, Galloway followed the money all the way to oil rich countries and their dictators!

The Electoral Commission is investigating the Rochdale election, and a man was arrested by the police prior to voting day. My view, anyone that courts "terrorists" in foreign countries should not be allowed to stand in an election. He didn't even send the same campaign leaflet to different communities in Rochdale, there was a Gaza leaflet for the Muslim population and Rochdale leaflet for non-muslims. However, Galloway did not get the majority of people in Rochdale to vote, the majority of people in Rochdale stayed at home. 

In fact, if there hadn't been so many candidates standing, e.g. 11 candidates, the Independent, David Tully could have won the election. 

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