
Sunday 10 March 2024


This video is the impact of Pluto in Aquarius on the celebrity culture in the years of 2024-2043. 

Aquarius doesn't like drama and drama queens, whether they are male or female, one of the reasons that Harry and Meghan are not popular with the majority of people. Another reason was their "betrayal" of the monarchy and Queen Elizabeth II knew what they were up to. Meghan was even banned from taking photographs inside Windsor Castle. 

Many celebrities have also stored up their wealth instead of helping the fans that made them wealthy in the first place. How many of them created safe communities in which their fans could live, while they live in gated celebrity communities?  Many of them did the opposite and supported illegal migration. 

It's not just the music and film industry either, in the UK, TV broadcaster, Gary Lineker also supported mass migration that has reduced the GDP of the UK and divided the nation. 

"The Palestine cause is a lie created to destroy Israel for Islamic domination". 

Interesting that while Pluto is in Aquarius, Kate Moss could be facing legal action at this time due to her new product range and her claim that it can cure psoriasis etc. In the UK, it is against the law to claim that any product can cure anything. It doesn't sound like Kate had good legal and marketing advice. Not only that but there is a Kate Moss impersonator, impersonating her on the catwalk. 

Aquarius likes common sense, the truth that sets people free from their mindset that aspires to be rich and famous, when in fact, for decades we have been sharing that good health is the greatest wealth. Money cannot buy you happiness, happiness is within. Aspire to improve yourselves and abundance comes naturally when you are on track with the divine plan for your life. Of course your soul knows this which is why it is so important to listen and work with your own soul. 

Jesus the Jewish healer, knew that many souls are fragmented and that is one of the reasons he focussed on helping the people to come into wholeness with his healing methodologies. Real healers that followed in his footsteps, know him and the power of his love. Aquarians are loyal to their loved ones, and their friends, just has Jesus was loyal to the community of healers that he helped to create. Real healers stand in the truth, they are as real has can be. 

Our healers sought to help our communities to heal, spreading the light of love everywhere that we were enabled to do so. Many were called, but few were chosen. 

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