
Sunday 24 March 2024


The connection between the souls of a couple that were once married can continue throughout your life due to the bond being so strong. I've received many dreams of an ex-husband during my life and the dreams usually come when I am at a pivotal turning point in my life. Dreams can be advisory, they can be for healing, they can also provide insights into where you are currently in your life. 

In the dream the ex-husband from 40+ years ago was sitting down with a woman and they were watching me dancing, he came over to the busy dance floor to say hello. He then went back to his seat and left the room with the woman that was sitting at his side. I carried on dancing. 

In dream interpretation to dream of dancing is a very positive sign, if you were the person dancing in the dream, it means that everything that you do will flourish. If you can dance through life with all its ups and downs, your free Spirit shines on in the power of love. A light of love that cannot be dimmed, cannot be fettered, cannot be entangled. After my dad passed over at the age of 57,  a humble hearted man said, "Your light will never be blown out". There is a great spiritual community in the Spirit world that watch over yours truly. 

In the dream, the ex-husband wasn't dancing, whereas I was in the joy of dancing.  Dancing is a symbol of freedom and spiritual independence and Jesus loved to dance. My parents loved to dance too and as such, the little Aquarian danced from a small child. The key word of Aquarius is Freedom, and the Pluto in Aquarius transit is now great for the free spirited Aquarians. Aquarius woman and Pisces man wasn't the best match, Pisces men are far too emotionally needy for the freedom loving Aquarians. 


So what about the timing of this dream? We are in the Pluto in Aquarius transit, it is Palm Sunday, Purim and Ramadan. One could call this a Lunar Eclipse dream, it is the Lunar Eclipse tomorrow on the 25th of March, and that is the 'day of dynamism', a day to be dynamic. A dynamic Lunar Eclipse that is on the Aries-Libra axis. My dad was an Aries and my dog is an Aries too. Although I am most compatible with other air signs, and mostly with Libra. 

The Cut share that this Lunar Eclipse "has themes of autonomy, partnership, independence and alliance will be front and centre. Aries invites us to celebrate our personal freedoms, while Libra encourages us to consider harmony, balance and equilibrium".

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