
Thursday 21 March 2024


In the beginning of the dream my Cockapoo was being kicked by a couple of horses while I was calling him. Then I was talking to some people about some vegetable boxes and I said I'd have to come back with the car to pick up the boxes with the veg in. There was some kind of dispute about how quickly they could be loaded up into my car. 

Then in the next cameo of the dream, my dog had been injured again. A double whammy! So what is going on with dogs? The Consumer Watchdog is investigating the Veterinary industry and the high cost of vet fees. 

In dream interpretation an "injury" in a dream can indicate "hostile" forces and to be aware of those forces, proceed carefully, in order to thwart them. To be kicked by a horse in a dream is a warning against complacency, it warns us about safety for us and our pets. 

To dream of filled boxes, indicates that you can overcome the obstacles in your way. The boxes were filled with vegetables. Vegetables make me think of oxalates, due to so many vegetables being high in oxalates that are detrimental for the body. One of the reasons that I rarely eat potatoes, or tomatoes and I've stopped eating most leafy greens altogether. The greens I eat are pak choi, baby broccoli, green beans. I eat high protein, low carb diet. 

Although there is a long list of vegetables that are toxic for the body. Sally K. Norton has prepared some graphs of all of the foods in her book, "Toxic Superfoods". 

I did write to the Food Standards Agency asking them why oxalates are not included on food labelling. When they wrote back, they admitted that oxalates are toxic for the body, they didn't respond to my question about food labelling. This subject matter is quite serious, because some toxic oxalate foods are also put into dog food. Although my dog only has a raw food diet from a highly recommended brand. 

Oxalates are involved in degenerative conditions and chronic diseases that includes cancer. Many people become complacent when they're unaware of the deficiencies in their bodies and the danger that can cause to their person or animals health. One has to be particularly careful if you have a dog that likes to scavenge. 

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