
Tuesday 26 March 2024

ARABLE FARMING 300 Acres Not Enough

Small family farms of 300 acres is not enough to make a profit due to the running costs of running a farm. He says unless you have at least 1500 to 2000 acres it's impossible to make a living. 

This champion breeder, Ian Shaw has told his family that he is going to stop farming and rent out the land. 

The Green Policy is a major concern for farmers, it's not just in the UK, it applies to European farmers too. We've even seen farmers in India protesting against WEF too over Net zero too. Say no, to Net Zero, there is no climate emergency. Net Zero wouldn't change the climate, no man can stop the power of the sun. The climate has always changed. 

Due to high immigration, we have a very large population and size of population does matter if a country would like to be self-sufficient and have food security. 

Farmer's Weekly shared that our country is far too dependent on foreign imports, although our food from our agriculture in the UK would run out of food on the 11th August every year without imported food. A larger population requires more food, that's common sense, which appears to be above the pay grade of politicians that aren't farmers. 

Farmers can't afford to work for nothing, they still have to feed their own families. Although has we can see the supermarkets are making vast profits on the backs of the hard working farmers. So it is no wonder that some of the family farmers are giving up farming. What changed? Superstores is what changed the financial situation of the farmers. 

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