
Saturday 9 March 2024

32M Protest Cost

It has cost 32M for the police force to police the weekly protests in London since October 7. Today there will also be a counter protest.

The costs of weekly protests for the same issue is far too high. My view is that everyone should be allowed a protest but it should be restricted to three a year for any single subject matter. After that the organisers of the protests should pay. 

Today's protest comes after a painting was slashed and vandalised, that's not peaceful is it? The person that carried out the vandalism should be sentenced and imprisoned. This cannot be allowed to continue. 

32M for policing the protests, 31M for MP security. Total bill, 63M so far. Then there is the court time for all the people that have been arrested on the protests since October 7. Costs keep on rising! 

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