
Thursday 1 February 2024


People in the UK will probably remember Nick Clegg, who served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010-2015 (the Liberal Democrats were in a coalition government with the Conservatives during that period) and has leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2007 to 2015. 

His profile also says that he was the MP for Sheffield Hallam from 2005 to 2017. He was ousted from his parliamentary seat by Labour in the 2017 general election. It was then that he moved to America to work for Facebook. 

In 2018, Clegg became the vice-president of global affairs and communications at Facebook Inc, (renamed Meta Platforms in 2021), in 2022 he was then promoted by Mark Zuckerberg to President for Global Affairs.

The reason that I am sharing this today, is because Nick Clegg was mentioned in a Senate Judiciary hearing in the US on the 31st of January, 2024, on the targeting of children in their global affairs marketing model. Young users have a lifetime value of $270 each to Meta Platforms, how they grow the revenue by targeting teenagers. 

Senator Marsha Blackburn grills Mark Zuckerberg in this filmed clip on-line children's safety, in which she mentions Nick Clegg and the fact that children are dying. 

Tech CEO's have been told that they have blood on their hands and Mark Zuckerberg was asked to apologise to the families. Compensation was also mentioned, parents were at the hearings too. 

Would Nick Clegg the radical Liberal Democrat have known about these cases? Of course, he did. These hearings with big tech have been going on for a long time. 

In a recent Westminster poll, the Liberal Democrats in the UK have sunk from 13% to 7%. The Post Office scandal in the UK has also had an impact upon the Liberal Democrat party, due to their current leader, Ed Davey having been involved in it, there are calls for his resignation.

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