
Monday 26 February 2024


Lee Anderson, a working class Englishman, tells it has it is and then people get offended. The working class Brits can be very blunt, straight to the point and the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping. 

Common sense isn't a phobia! Truth reigns and the people celebrate when a man has the strength, courage and balls to stand up and tell it has it is. So let's dance and celebrate Lee Anderson.

Sky News report that a leaked Whatsapp show that Tory MPs are against Lee's suspension. So are Daily Express readers in today's poll, 94% say no to suspension of Lee Anderson. The working class Conservative has earned himself a new title at the Daily Express, they're calling him the "Red Wall Rottweiler". LOL! Of course that came after Lee tweeted that he was in the Dog House having a pint. The name of the pub that he was in. 

The fight is on to save our country and culture.

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