
Sunday 4 February 2024


Esther Martin (age 68) was aware that the dogs were dangerous, but she still went to visit her 11 year old grandson in Jaywick. His dad, bred XL Bully dogs and was still advertising them on-line in November, 2023. The London rapper is in police custody and the local community are in shock. Ashley Warren hadn't registered his dogs or neutered them, now he could spend years behind bars, was it worth it, you can't put a price on a human life. 

Her grandson is safe but is obviously traumatised by the incident.

Condolences to the family and friends of Esther Martin, may she rest in peace. 

Isn't it time that the police round up all of the breeders of these dangerous dogs and examine each of the dogs that they own? Isn't it time that every unregistered dog is seized? How many more people have to die before serious action is taken?


Bereaved Ashley now supports the total ban on these dangers dogs and says they should be wiped out. He has been charged for the incident and the police have released him on bail until March.

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