
Wednesday 28 February 2024


Last night I listened to David Neal giving his testimony. David is a former head of military police and for the last three years has been the Independent Watchdog, an Independent Investigator of Border and Immigration. He reported that the Home Office said that he would be re-employed when his contract ran out in March, 2024, alas, he says that No 10 put a stop to it, No 10 = Rishi Sunak. 

They can't use him speaking to the Daily Mail about the unchecked jets flying in, has an excuse to sack him, because in November 2023 they told him that is contract was not going to be renewed. 

Then they advertised the job in December, with a £10,000 salary increase. Applications for the job had to be in by the 20th January, 2024, I think they will still have to pay David Neal until the end of March at the very least. 

David Neal was following his heart of conscience by speaking to the media because he's aware there is a massive security problem and the British public have the right to be told about it. 

Has he said, during his testimony to the parliamentary scrutiny committee for immigration, "its a higher calling", because 15 of his reports haven't been published since April 2023. Whereas the law says that they have to be published within 8 weeks. 

Not only that but the Home Office is now saying that they can't find the data to counteract what the inspector had written about the jets flying in. 

In the meantime, the Home Office Minister, James Cleverly has been in America telling the Biden administration what to do about immigration, James say that it is a global issue and his globalist idea is to give more money to developing countries to level them up. When we know historically, that strategy has never worked. James isn't very clever is he, if he's not willing to learn from the past! Sounds like it's another Rishi Sunak globalist idea. 

James even mentioned the Statue of Liberty promise, "Give us your poor", is unsustainable. On that I can agree with him, if and when it applies to foreigners.

If it is indeed true that 780M foreigners desire to come to the west, levelling up their own countries and cultures isn't going to cut it because they're attracted to what they perceive the west to be. Although some have found that the streets are not paved with gold and some migrants are begging to be deported back to their own countries. 

I was quite impressed with David Neal, couldn't he be put in charge of the Met Police to sort that out? 

The fact is that the Rishi government is embarrassed by David Neal's reports and findings.  I highly recommend people listen to his testimony. 

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