
Saturday 10 February 2024

CoE Congregations Not Happy?

This is a weird article from the Daily Mail on the fact that there has been a report that vicars in Churches are being bullied out of office by some of their congregation. However, the article doesn't say why members of their congregations aren't happy with their vicars.

This Church report doesn't provide examples either. The report is called "The Bullying of Clergy".

The Guardian write that the Church of England clergy used to be considered the "Tories Party at Prayer", now tend to lean left.

So is it the clergy's view on embracing mass migration at the detriment of the Christian congregation? Is it the lefties in the church and their embrace of the WEF Green Globalist agenda? Is it because the church often sell off church properties to their mates, including that which was donated to them? I think the Church of England have many issues to address. 

Including baptising Muslim economic migrants so that they can get an asylum claim passed. It has been in the news this week that 40 people on the Bibby Stockholm have been baptised for this reason. 

Immigration lawyers have even been advising their clients that they have better a chance of asylum if they convert. 

This article mentions some other factors within the church.

Of course, let us not forget that the Church of England also supported the Covid injections. 

The latest research shows that 25% of pensioners plan to vote REFORM in the next elections. 

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