
Thursday 18 January 2024


Four migrant care workers in Wolverhampton have been sent to prison, their deeds were captured on camera by the granddaughters of an 89 year old lady. Full story at the Daily Mail, three of them were working for an agency.

Has Jesus said, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so". 

Successive British governments thought they could just ship people in like products, instead of invest in our own people. Remember when David Cameron said that we couldn't afford to train nurses because it cost £11,000 a year, while he could import 250,000? Even though we had plenty of applicants. So what did it cost when nurses were trained on the wards in hospitals? 

In another recent case an elderly lady died when the care workers from Romania and India couldn't understand English spoken NHS111. The Chief Medical Officer has said that the English test for health care workers must be revised to include medical terminology. Why didn't it include medical terminology? 

Who is responsible at the Home office for an English test not being able to ascertain whether a person can speak English or not? The words "breathing" and "bleeding" are hardly medical terminology. 

So what will happen to those care workers that have been given a short stint in prison, will they then be deported? They should be. 

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