
Monday 22 January 2024


This veteran was told that he wasn't allowed to display the Union Jack or England's flag on his taxi, Shropshire council told him that it is against Advertising Standards, it isn't. 

It was a Shropshire Council ruling. The taxi driver enlisted the help of his MP to get the rule change, yet, a member of the Green party was against the change that would allow this man to display our flags in our country. 

They've even told the veteran that he can't display a poppy on his vehicle without permission. The poppy, another national symbol. The battle to display our flags in our own country continues. EDI training has infected the councils and we the people have had enough of the brigade of political correctness, it has led to us having to fight for our rights and freedoms against the WEF and UN ideologies. 

Even the UN Chief is outraged by the people's demand for Independence. A free people cannot be controlled. 

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