
Wednesday 17 January 2024


It has been a National State of Emergency in the UK for awhile now, so why does the government refuse to announce it? Migrants are still arriving and risking their lives to cross the channel on dingy's. Those in Calais have already said that Rwanda isn't a deterrent. 

So what do the illegal economic migrants do? 4,3000 out of 5000 have fled from the Home Office accommodation, those are the ones that refuse to go to Rwanda. That's in addition to the other 17,000 that have fled migrant accommodation. Does the Home Office know where they've gone? Of course not! They've even videoed themselves removing their tags.

In Dublin, the locals shared that the illegals have been flying in, how can they fly in? On tourist visas. They've been arriving by plane, ferry, car and train for decades. 

What can we do about it? A 12 point plan just for starters! 

1. Announce a National State of Emergency. 

2. Cut legal aid to all foreign nationals and put a limit on it. 

3. Mobilise the military to protect and defend our borders. 

4. All illegal migrants to be put into detention centres, no joy rides on scenic routes. If they didn't bring documentation or ID, then deportation by the military immediately. 

5. Ban all tourists visas from non-western countries that are on the list of countries that illegal migrants are coming from. 

6. Ban all student visas to non-western countries for five years. 

7. Deport all foreign criminals and their families. 

8. Ban all chain migration from non-western countries due to work or study visas. It can be reviewed again in five years. 

9. If a person arrives on a visa to stay in the UK, e.g. a year travel visa to stay in the UK, they must prove that they have £20,000 in the bank to be transferred to a British bank, prior to a visa being granted. They must prove that they can support themselves without help from the British government or any of its services or charities. After 6 months they must report to the British embassy, to enable them to stay a further six months. If they do not comply with the embassy, then they must be banned from re-entering the country for ten years. 

10. No free healthcare or education to foreign nationals. All must pay.  

11. Non purchase of property allowed by foreign nationals. A person has to be a documented citizen of the UK to enable a person to purchase a property in the UK. 

12. Ban all foreign owned businesses from bringing in foreign staff. 

A person has to be working in the UK for ten years prior to being considered for citizenship. 

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