
Sunday 21 January 2024


It was warmer this morning at 9c, although windy with grey skies. There is even more wind now at 16.00hrs GMT. Now 11c with 25mph winds in my location. The weather is due to Storm Isha and do not travel warnings have been given for tomorrow. Trains, flights and ferries already cancelled.

The Rosen School of Hebrew shares that the Isha is Eve's second name and means woman in Hebrew.

The En Gedi Resource Centre have also written about it. 

I have to say the name Isha reminds me of Prophet Isaiah. 

In Hinduism "Isha" in the Upanishad interchangeably as "Lord" and "Self" (one's Self). 

"When a man who understands the Self has become all things, what sorrow, what trouble can there be to him that holds that unity". Isha Upanishad Hymn 7.

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