
Thursday 11 January 2024


Taking into account of all the cases involved in the immigration system in the UK, the whole immigration system and those working in it, have to be audited and investigated. To all those that are breaking the law, remove all of their assets and deport them. 

Today's news, an "Immigration judge teamed up with crooked lawyers to fleece tax payers out of £1.8M in false legal aid claims over a case of Indian restaurants employing illegal workers, court hears".

Has a side note, a majority of the Indian restaurants are not owned by Indians, they're owned by Muslim Pakistani's. 

"illegal workers" = injustice. 

"legal representatives breaking the law" = injustice. 

Every case that has been brought before the courts has involved foreigners and people from foreign decent. Import the 3rd world and what did we get in our legal system? 3rd world "corruption". Diversity has become a swamp and the UK is flooded with the injustice of it. In Finland, they're even complaining that there are too many Finnish people living there! 

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