
Sunday 14 January 2024


Journalists from the Daily Express went undercover and posed has new members of a pro-Palestine fanatical group, Palestine Action. 

The report says that an undercover journalist was told exactly how the activists intend to stage one of their most disruptive protests. The NGO planned economic chaos at the London Stock Exchange on Monday.

Non western immigration causes economic chaos wherever it goes. Recent European reports show that it is the non-western immigration that is the burden upon the countries that they migrate too. In each case, countries in the EU found that non-western migration was costing countries billions each year.  The UK is trillions in debt, and when a country is trillions in debt, then it can't say that it is a rich country. A rich country is a cash rich country with no debt. 

With Pluto moving into Aquarius on the 22nd of January, 2024, we are likely to see a huge backlash from the indigenous people of the UK. Aquarius doesn't like being ripped off financially, Aquarians are very generous and tolerant until such time as person tries to take advantage of our generosity of Spirit. Never cross an Aquarian in love or money, our love is not sale. 

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