
Sunday 28 January 2024


We have Pluto in Aquarius now and the key word is FREEDOM, the transit that will last until the 2040s. Although there is a small dip back into Capricorn for a few months later in the year, prior to returning to Aquarius for a very long time. 

Five planets are all spending some time in Aquarius this month. The last time we had a Pluto in Aquarius transit was in the 1700s, the time of the American civil war, the time of the French revolution. In the UK, it was the Industrial revolution. It began in Great Britain, technological and architectural innovations of British origin. It was a turning point in history. See also the British Agricultural Revolution.

I've noticed that a lot of the people that are looking at the planetary configurations are really connecting Aquarius with Ai technology, when in fact, Aquarius doesn't like being controlled by anything or anyone. In fact, this Aquarian isn't keen on technology at all, I only use technology for that which is essential and I'm frugal, I don't spend anymore than is necessary on technology. 

Hence, why we see millions of people against EV vehicles, 5g and Smart Meters to name just a few. Has far as Ai is concerned, the corporations don't have enough high end chips to do everything that they'd like to do, so they will be restricted on what they can achieve. At the same time politicians would like to sell the medical records of the people to Ai companies and that is against and in breach of Privacy Laws. Hence, it is not going to be plain sailing for any technology that restricts the freedom of the people. In fact, anything that tries to restrict the freedom of the people will get a good kicking. A lot of people have woken up in recent years and I've heard many say they will never be willing to lockdown again. 

With Aquarius being an air sign, a fixed air sign, once they make up their mind, there is no shifting them when there is anything that is detrimental to the freedom of the people. Remember this that Zion defends. Christian scripture is also clear on freedom for our people. Hence the farmers are rising up in European countries, defending their freedom to be farmers and to farm the way that they choose to farm. Hence, it is not a good time for WEF or the UN and now at least nine countries are defunding UNWRA. The freedom of Israel is essential for all Christians, all around the globe. 

The water carrier doesn't like war, she can pour the water upon the fire to put it out if and when freedom is at stake. Different people give their different views of it, although I don't agree with most of them or everything that they say in these videos. However, I'm always open to listening to what others have to say about it and it may be of interest to you. 

It's also Chinese New Year on the 15th of February, the year of the 'wood dragon.' Hence it's interesting that Chinese people have been supporting the piano man in London, St Pancreas. He had a run in with CCP members and the story went viral on the internet because the piano man is standing for freedom and our human rights of freedom of speech. Has he said, "This is not China|". 

In this video they mention the "mysterious wound", the mysterious wound is to do with a past life, I took my team deeply into finding it during a workshop in the 20s. In my life it was about the spiritual warrior in a past life that was healed. 

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