
Sunday 7 January 2024


An article from Matt Goodwin, titled "The Big Tory Lie", they promised high skilled immigration. We got something else entirely.

One aspect that Matt didn't include in his article is that the amount of extra sewage that arrived with mass migration. Now England is experiencing a biblical flood that is far worst than the floods two decades ago. 

The sewage of mass migration and in 2023, the farmers told the Daily Mail that they're feeding 100M population in the UK, the population is far higher than the official stats. A sewage system that was built 100+ years ago, wasn't built for mass migration. 

48% of people living in social housing in London are migrants. People that weren't born in the UK. 

Do remember that it was the military returning from WW2 that demanded social housing for our British families. 

In Brent, in the last year, 82% of babies born were to foreign nationals. No Brits live there anymore. 

The real Londoners are now in a minority in our own capital city of London. An appalling state of affairs due to mass migration. 

Only 15% of migrants arrive in the UK on work visas. 

The latest European research found that non-western migration is costing each of those European countries billions every year. Not surprising then that the UK is trillions in debt. Maggie Thatcher did try to warn us in advance when in parliament she said, "they plan to make the poor, poorer". And scripture states that the rich, get richer on the backs of the poor. 

Why is immigration so dangerous? Knife crime is endemic in African countries, including South Africa that has had a democracy for a quarter of a century. Knife crime is not part of British culture and nor is gun crime. A police officer shared with yours truly that gun crime came over from America. 

People never allow themselves to be willingly replaced without a civil war, it is on the horizon if mass deportations don't begin soon. Politicians were warned time and time again. Yet again they bent over backwards for the corporations that create carnage wherever they go. Salaries in real terms haven't increased in real terms since the 80s. 

We have nearly 2/3rds less hospital beds than we had in the 80s too. They've been complaining about an ageing population since the 60s, they keep on rolling out the same old headlines. However, they've killed of many people with their Covid 19 injections, former VP of Pfizer says that 17M people have died from the injections. 

Can't afford a property to buy? Immigration. Can't afford to rent a property? Immigration. Can't get a job? Immigration. ASDA have even been firing people and then rehiring people on lower wages. Zero hour contracts, immigration. Not enough social housing, immigration. Too much sewage, immigration. Not enough people working? Immigration. 

The reason why in the 70s the trade unions were against joining the EU, they knew that open borders would have a huge detrimental impact upon our work force, standard of living and quality of life. They also knew that there wouldn't be jobs for everyone in this timeline. Which is why there was such a big surge of investment into the leisure industry in the 80s and 90s. 

The Pakistani government are expelling 1.7M Afghani's and all undocumented migrants. If Pakistan can do it, why can't we? Why has Pakistan told those people to leave? Pakistani government says that they're taking the jobs of Pakistani's, they're trouble makers and terrorists. 

In France, Macron banned these marches. My view is that three marches on any subject matter is enough in one year, after that charge the organisers for policing it. If any of foreign nationals attack a police officer, arrest and deport. If any foreign national calls for "intifada", arrest and deport immediately. It is illegal to obstruct the highways in the UK. 

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