
Thursday 25 January 2024


Outraged shoppers call for a boycott of ASDA, after the supermarket announces cashless plans for 100 stores. I rarely pop into ASDA, but if and when I have, it has been for wine or to check out their clothing sale. So for instance I bought a pair of boots that were half price and a jumper dress that was a third of its original price in the January sale. Our local store is on the list for going cashless and I don't think that will be popular in our area either. 

If you wish to keep the cash, you have to make sure that you enjoy your freedom and use it. If enough people boycott ASDA, they will have to change tacks. So it begins on the first full moon of 2024, on the full moon in Cancer with Pluto in freedom loving Aquarius.

ASDA have been involved in a court case at the Supreme Court over equal pay.  The men working in the depots have always been paid more than the female store staff.  The men were getting £1.50-£3 more an hour. The whole retail sector is watching the case because it could cost millions, if not billions if they have to pay back pay. 

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