
Friday 8 December 2023


Divine intervention, the Daily Telegraph have reported that Rishi Sunak was locked out of No 10 alongside the former Dutch PM, Mark Ruttes. 

Has we know anti-EU, anti-immigration Geert Wilders won most seats in the Netherlands and now it looks like Rishi Sunak has been given a message to leave by being locked out of No 10. 

With Rishi being from an immigrant family himself, he's not against immigration is he? Rishi is also for big pharma, his hedge fund invested $500,000 in Moderna and permission has been granted for Moderna  to build a factory in the UK. The same American Moderna that was a spawn of Dr Fauci.

Daily Mail have covered the story too, with video clip.

In our local area we don't even have any landfill left, in five years time due to overpopulation. And the local council doesn't know what they're going to do about it. 

When politicians make decisions, they just don't think anything through to what could happen as a result of their migration decisions e.g. not enough homes for everyone, not enough landfill, too much sewage, no food security, not enough water, not enough electricity. Not enough medics to serve mass immigration and not enough teachers and school places. Immigrants say just build more homes, hospitals and schools, they don't care if we cover our green pastures with concrete, they don't care if we have less trees, nor do they care about the impact that building infrastructure has on the environment. 

The landmass of France is huge in comparison to the UK, yet, proportionally, the UK has more migrants than France. Major food stores say they're feeding 80M, Farmers say they're feeding 100M and if it wasn't for foreign food imports, food grown in the UK would run out on the 11th of August every year. We require massive investment in agriculture for food security for our indigenous people. 

It's the end for Rishi Sunak. The Tories have to elect a new leader. 

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