
Tuesday 5 December 2023


Doctors are calling for more children to have their tonsils removed, they say the surgery reduces behavioural problems.

The tonsils of children should not be removed unless it is absolutely essential. During the 50s and 60s it was fashionable to have children's tonsils removed. I was one of the children that they operated upon. 

However, during the Human Genome Project that cost billions in America, it was discovered that cuts in childhood are the cause of skin conditions and allergies. 

So although doctors might think they're solving one health condition, they're actually causing many more by operating on a child when it is not essential to do so. The skin of our bodies is a large part of the immune system. Hence, when doctors cut the skin, they're also harming the child's immune system. 

Swedish researchers also found that having the tonsils removed in childhood is linked to a greater risk of arthritis. The study involved 7,000 people with the disease, diagnosed between January 2001 and December 2022.

In my experience arthritis is triggered by injury. I received a dog bite in my left hand while at Junior school, at the same age I trod on a broken glass in a river and had to have stitches in my left foot. That's how I came to have the moon under my feet, because I have a scar on my left foot in the shape of the moon. Rev 12. 

Then whilst a teenager. the medical profession removed my tonsils. In my mid 20's a rusty nail went into the same palm of the left hand has the dog bite. The two different scars have the initials YW. 

Before I was 30, an arthritic bone appeared on the left hand close to the palm. It was only later in life that I was able to put all of the pieces of the jigsaw together and the research from the Human Genome Project definitely helped to comprehend what had happened to my body. 

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