
Wednesday 20 December 2023


I received a dream this morning of the NHS and hospital doctors, a majority of the doctors in the dream were immigrants and the NHS was in chaos. The state held to ransom, it's a political move by the BMA. Did the BMA tell you that the Labour Party laid off 8,000 doctors last time they were in power? I didn't think so!  

No coincidence then that the Daily Mail report that there is another three day strike starting today and then there is another 6 day strike planned by the BMA.

It is atrocious that these junior doctors would even consider striking while there is such a backlog and a huge amount of excess deaths. 50-60 years ago, working in the medical profession in the UK was a vocation and a job for life. Now, medical care is all about the money, hence more strikes while the backlog of operations increases into the millions. One million appointments have been cancelled due to strikes in 2023. Plus at least one A&E has had to close, there may be many more to come due to the BMA and its strikes. 

"People are not a commodity, without love they become so". Jesus Christ 

What is the solution? Train our own people and stop treating people like a commodity that can be imported like a product. 

I remember when David Cameron was the PM, he told parliament that anyone earning less than £36,000 a year would have to leave the country, that has now been increased to £38,000. The only exception is health care workers, although even those immigrants will have to pass a much stricter English test has requested by the Chief Medical Officer. Why? There was a recent case of two care workers that didn't speak or understand English enough to tell NHS111 what had happened and the elderly woman in their care died due to their lack of comprehension. 

More money has to be invested in our people, I remember when the Irish students were saying that they were turned down for nursing training because there wasn't enough places. In Cameron's day he was talking about importing 250,000 nurses from India and has we know some of those nurses brought in dependents too. That is mass migration because the British politicians refused to invest in our own people. 

I remember when Cameron said that it cost £11,000 a year to train a nurse and during the austerity years we couldn't afford to train every person that felt compelled train. How short-sighted were the politicians because it costs more in the long run when you have to accommodate whole families to fill the gaps in the NHS. Why so expensive to train? Oh, they do degrees now, instead of learning on the job. 

The solution is simple, bring back the matron and train nurses on the wards like they use to be, train has many has we can from the UK. Every retired nurse that I've met agreed that training nurses on the ward is the best way forward. Return to what worked. They could still be given a degree at the end of their training in the hospital setting. 

Has far as beds are concerned, in the 80s we had nearly 2/3rds more beds than we have now, on top of a population that has soared. Where is the common sense in that? 

How long does it take to see a Neurologist in our area? 8 months. 

So what were all those junior doctors doing during the lockdowns while operations and treatments were being cancelled, were they on furlough getting paid 85% of their salaries for sitting on their butts or making dancing videos? 

Plus we have 1,000s of experienced locums out of work because GP surgeries are cutting costs due to the increase of all of their costs. GP surgeries have to balance the books too. VAT should be removed from all energy bills, that would help the GP surgeries and all medical staff. It is outrageous that VAT is put upon our natural resources that belong to the people of the UK. 

The government has offered the junior doctors 12% pay increase but they're demanding 35%, what planet are they on?

Has far as I'm aware junior doctors don't even get to work with a real patient until they go on the wards. A few doctors shared with me that junior doctors call August the "killing season", has that is when they start work on the wards. Hence they don't exactly have a lot of experience when they start working with patients and by the time they qualify, their degrees are already out of date. That applies to all degrees, by the way, university education dates very quickly. 

Plus the latest scientific research takes at least 17 years before it is implemented into clinical practice. 

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