
Saturday 30 December 2023


The Daily Mail report that since 2015, 3,684 patients had their lives put at risk by botched surgery. An estimated 1,500 procedures were conducted on the wrong part of the body. Removal of the wrong organs, including one woman who had a fallopian tube taken out rather than her appendix. The article on the link tells the story of what's been happening, although it doesn't tell you the nationality of the surgeons that are doing it. F.O.I request!

The reason I mention nationality, is because it has come to light that the current English test for working visas is the same for everyone. The Chief Medical Officer has said that the English test for the medical professionals must include medical terminology, after an elderly lady in her care home died in the hands of migrant care workers due to them not understanding the straight forward questions from NHS111. 

Going back to the surgery, a neighbour had 7 botched operations and he died before he could go back for the 8th. I told him that he should sue our local hospital when he told me he had been operated on that many times. He was a lovely guy, a holiday courier and he never went back to work after the first operation. 

The cases mentioned in the Daily Mail report are the cases that they know about, think how many more cases there are - the ones that they don't know about. 

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