
Sunday 3 December 2023


There have been a lot of "Mystery Dog Illness" YT videos made and in the summer it was first brought to my attention when the Asher House dog rescue had many dogs impacted by it. 


It appears to be spreading in America and can be found in many states. When Asher House had a bout of it, they had purchase extra oxygen tents because the veterinary surgeries in Lee's area ran out of space and oxygen tents. 

Some research has been carried out by a graduate student, Lawrence Gordon at the University of New Hampshire's Hubbard Center for Genome Studies. "His analysis revealed a small segment of DNA that showed up in 21 out of the 30 samples taken from symptomatic pooches in New Hampshire - a pretty significant proportion". 

"The DNA appears to belong to a previously undescribed bacterium, which is most closely related to a strange bacteria that's got a really small genome, called MYCOPLASMA".

Now has far as I'm aware the Pfizer documents lists "Pneumonia mycoplasma" has an adverse event in response to the Pfizer injections. Hence, it begs the question whether the outbreak in America has anything to do with shedding from humans to dogs? 

The article from National Geographic doesn't mention whether any of the pet owners received any Covid 19 injections, if the question wasn't asked, then how do they know whether there is a connection? 

Were animals injected for Covid 19? Some animals were. One of the companies listed in The Scientist magazine, mentions a veterinary pharmaceutical company Zoetis, being one of those companies. "The company donated 26,000 doses to zoos and animal sanctuaries in 13 countries, including the US and Canada."

Does Pfizer have a veterinary pharmaceutical arm? Yes, Pfizer Animal Health is featured in this article. In 2008, the FDA approved a single dose antibiotic for dogs and cats.

How does the mystery illness with the dogs begin? With coughing. 

What is given to humans if they have mycoplasma pneumonia? Anti-biotics. 

Dr Jones, gives his response on what you can do. 

Although a year ago when my dog had a cough, I gave him half a teaspoon of cinnamon with a half teaspoon of honey, a couple of times in day. It stopped very quickly within a couple of days. Cinnamon from Ceylon is excellent at defeating viruses. This is a link to the research on Cinnamon. 

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