
Sunday 10 December 2023


"European nations have now started to mass-deport Muslims back to their nations. This was always going to happen. It just took recent events to finally get this going", OJ Smoke wrote on Twitter/X. 

"No nation on earth has ever allowed itself to be replaced without a civil war" October 2023. 

This was in response to Peter Sweden "Germany has announced they're getting stricter on immigration and will begin to deport on a large scale".

So deportations of people from many different countries or civil war, what will you choose? 

From my perspective it's not just about radicalised Muslims, (they're not all radicalised) it is not about colour or race either. It is about the fact that in the UK the amount of British people living here has decreased to 70%. In Brent 82% of babies born were to foreign nationals, no Brits live there anymore. Although the Muslim brotherhood have had the intention to outbreed the people of the UK. 

A new education report has been completed and it found that white working class children that were in the minority in their classes were the most concern for a majority of trusts and teachers. The report carried out by the Department of Education found that "poorer white pupils were hit by a combination of issues linked to deprivation, inter-generational poverty, attitudes and experiences of education and aspirations"

We've known that for years, every education report highlights the plight of the white working class children that are not reaching their potential. In the 50s and 60s, when I was at junior school there were only 11-12 girls in our class. At secondary school it was around 20-21 children in a class and we had one Indian boy in the class. He was very quiet and kept himself to himself. 

If the politicians and universities don't take drastic action, sad to say that a civil war is now on the horizon. I tried to warn the Liberal Democrat politicians in 2007 and again, the Conservatives in 2013, it is getting closer now. 

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