
Tuesday 26 December 2023


So it is Christmas, so it is Boxing Day, the day of the hunts around the British countryside. So what does the scriptures say about the foxes? Scripture considers foxes to be destructive animals that destroy valuable vineyards. Song of Solomon 2:15 "Catch for us the foxes". 

Foxes do spread disease in the countryside. When my dog was a six month old puppy he caught Fox Lungworm and dogs and farm animals can die of it if they don't receive treatment fast enough. 

Samson tied torches to 300 foxes to set fire to the grain fields of the Philistines. Nehemiah 4:3. 

Jesus wasn't keen on"foxes" either. Foxes that kill chickens and ducks that are food for people and dogs, foxes are a pest that spread disease.  Jesus said, "Go tell that fox, I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow and on the third day, I will reach my goal". Luke 13:32.  In Judaism, one day can represent a week, a month, a year or even a millennium. When you consider that there are more healers on this planet than there has ever been, the third millennium is appropriate for the third day. 

Nigel Farage -v- PETA. The Labour Party now say that the legislation on fox hunting was a mistake, that's after they took 1M donation from an anti-hunting charity. 

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