
Monday 4 December 2023


 "A senior coroner has issued a warning about the inability of foreign health staff to speak English after hearing how carers looking after an elderly woman who died did not know the difference between 'bleeding' and 'breathing'. 

The report found that in a 999 call, her two carers - one Romanian and one Indian - were unable to explain to the emergency services what had happened to her, (Barbara Rymell, 91, who suffered from dementia) and did not understand the difference between their patient being 'alive' or 'alert'. Their lack of English 'severely hampered' the call handler's response and made a 'meaningful assessment of her condition virtually impossible', the coroner said. 

"The coroner said she did not believe the current English test for foreign workers was appropriate for staff working in a medical setting".

I've met immigrants with work visas that don't speak a word of English. It makes you wonder who interviews people prior to them handing out a a work visa. Politicians and business owners that just think that they can import any staff they require instead of training our people in the UK. Now the chickens are coming home to roost and people are losing their lives due to government immigration policies. 

"People are not a commodity, without love they become so". 

One of the projects that was a success for Maggie Thatcher, was her "Investors in People", campaign, our people, investing in training our people. Her other slogan was "Buy British". She cared about our people and our economy. 

Also in the 80s we had nearly 2/3rds more beds than we do now in the NHS. The NHS has shrunk since the days of Maggie and the population has soared by the millions. GP locums are also finding themselves out of work, thousands can't find jobs. Highly qualified professionals that are already living in the UK. 

This evening an immigrant had the audacity to tell me that my country isn't mine. Her solution was build more houses and schools. My solution is mass deportations. They don't seem to realise that the more our green pastures are covered with concrete, the more impact it has on the environment. We are already overpopulated and the land has to be able to breathe. Look at the size of France compared to the UK, proportionally we have far more immigrants than France does. It is unsustainable. 

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