
Monday 18 December 2023


Can't call the experimental injections vaccines, because they're not vaccines. Just because something is injected in your arm, doesn't make it a vaccine. The Daily Express report that EU has dumped more than 200M injections - costing the tax payers £3.4BN. Ireland has ditched almost a million doses the report states. 

Although overall the stats could be a lot higher says the article, in the region of over 300M doses.

Has time as gone on, there has been a lot less take-up of the Nanotechnology mRNA injections, don't be lab rats for the pharmaceutical industry. 

The former VP of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon told members of Parliament that attended the 4th December meeting that 17M people have died from the injections. 17M people is genocide. Of course, the 17 million doesn't include the huge amount of people that have been seriously injured by the injections. 

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