
Tuesday 12 December 2023

17M DIED FROM JABS - 4th December, 2023 Parliament.

Andrew Bridgen MP arranged for expert scientists and doctors to speak to MPs in parliament on the 4th December, 2023. Richard Vobes shared that Andrew had told him that official cameras were removed so the only film footage of the whole discussion could be captured on mobile phones held by the general public. Also a room meant for 120 people was replaced with a room for 70 people at the last minute. This meant a lot less of the general public could witness the testimonies of this eminent panel of specialists. 

I've been trying to track down what has been posted on social media that were present and any other videos of this important presentation to MPs 

Has noted Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Peter McCullough sent a video address. 

This is the address from Dr Mike Yeadon found on Brighteon, Mike says that 17 million people have died from the Covid injections. He also said, "I'm going to tell you that the design of the so-called vaccines was to intentionally harm people. There was no pandemic".

Dr David Martin (USA) talks about the "international terrorism against the people". "Biological warfare enabling technology". He says it must be "criminally prosecuted. "MI5 were also involved". "It was a set-up from the beginning to the end". Writing these quotes while I'm listening. Although David speaks faster than I can type.

Pathologist, Dr Ron Cole. His testimony is harder to hear, so turn up your speakers.

If I find anymore, I will include them in this blogpost. 

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