
Friday 17 November 2023


Whenever this health and healing consultant sees any recommendations published by N.I.C.E. I always find myself opposing their recommendations.

This time they're recommending CBT for menopausal women. N.I.C.E. clearly aren't focussed on nutrition for menopausal women, whilst nutrition is a priority in all health conditions. 

IAPT CBT was slated by clinical psychologists from the UK, Europe and America at a conference challenging CBT in 2014. The 2 day conference was uploaded to YT. This is a small introduction to the conference. I highly recommend listening to the whole conference if you are interested in this subject matter. 

Introduction to the conference challenging CBT: The overselling of CBT's evidence base.  

In this presentation, Farhad Dalal speaks about the CBT statistical spin and linguistic obfuscation. 

This is a review of his book exposing CBT. Titled, "The Cognitive Behavioural Tsunami" Managerialism, Politics and the Corruption of Science.

After I watched the two day conference back in the 2014 timeline, I  also found a CBT Conference with practitioners and they were telling people to close their files to increase their stats. Just because a file is closed doesn't mean that there has been a positive impact. Ticking boxes won't fix it, talking about menopause won't fix it. 

Women have to engage in what they're consuming that is having a negative impact on their bodies. Nutrition is where you begin to make the improvements in menopause. How do I know, I'm a woman that went through a tough menopause and nutrition is key. How many women are told that during menopause a woman's body requires nearly 2/3 more iron, during and after menopause. 

How many women are taught about oxalates found in food and the harm that an overload of oxalates do to the body? I recommend anyone that is interested in this subject matter read a book by Sally K Norton, "Toxic Superfoods".  A short clip with Sally K Norton. 

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