
Friday 17 November 2023


 "A major two year cycle begins as Mars undergoes a Cazime moment between 17-18 November, 2023". 

This Cazimi is my 12th House so not surprised that it is about health for yours truly. I am looking at the possibility of providing some talks in 2024 and have already begun speaking to health care providers and Health clubs. 

Sky shares that the last time we had one of these transits was in 1991. In the UK, in 1991, the UK was still in a deep recession. Sharp wake-up calls has we can see on the streets. Scorpio is very deep and its tail can sting. Rishi Sunak is a Taurus, a bull in the china shop. Suella is an Aries, so their horns definitely rammed into a lock while these energies were coming in. 

Not surprising that there is a lot of political drama at this time on all sides and both sides of the pond. There are going to be many battles during the next couple of years in the public domain. Some people will decide to switch off from it, others will be in the frontline of it. Depending where you are in your life, what age you are, focus on what is most important to you has an individual, has a family, has a culture and country. What house this Mars Cazimi is in your chart, will give you some guidance for your sign specifically. 

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