
Monday 6 November 2023


This story has been all over the London newspapers. Although it is also featured in the Jerusalem Post today. Attiq Malik was chairman of the London Muslim Communities Forum, which the Metropolitan Police described as a "strategic advisory body for the Met". He's also a solicitor that has been filmed  chanting "From the river to the sea".  He was even in the control room advising the met police on the anti-Israel protests, he is now fired.

So what kind of security checks are engaged prior to enlisting the services of individuals? We have a national state of emergency right now on our streets. The police are outnumbered and they're not doing much more than observing and gathering intelligence. 

Attiq Malik works on murder trials too, he is a Criminal Defence solicitor, this link says that he instructed Amjad Malik QC that won a case following a 5 week trial at the Central Criminal Court. They both have the same surname, could they be related? 

He's a Managing Partner of Liberty Law Solicitors in Luton, Tommy' Robinsons stomping ground. Of course, his legal practice is involved in immigration too. "Unimaginable cruelty" has also happened in Luton itself. Read this report.

He must be struck off, debarred after his antics and a thorough investigation of every case that he has worked on. He works on serious crime and has committed a serious crime for supporting terrorism. 

How could the justice system in the UK allow this to happen? Even the justice system has been infiltrated with people that support terrorism and stand against Israel and the Jewish people. My parents would be horrified and my dad was ex-army and a magistrate. Anyone that supports Islamic terrorism can have their citzenship stripped from them and be deported. Student and work visas can also be revoked.

The protest planned for next weekend must be postponed, the anti-Israel protests have already had three marches and there is no reason why another protest cannot be postponed. Zero tolerance for the protestors that have no discipline and no respect for the humanity of our country. 

When in England you have to live how we live. If it wasn't for our military, our families, our descendants, our veterans, the people protesting wouldn't have the freedom to protest anyway, that is why British people honour next weekend in our country. 

IDF expose the tunnel under a Gaza hospital. Hamas hide behind women and children and use people in hospital has human shields. The only way for the Gazans to be free is when the IDF remove Hamas that have terrorised the people that live there. The hostages held by Hamas must be released. 

The Hamas billionaires that don't even live in Gaza, while the Gazans live in poverty, the Hamas billionaires are living the high life with private planes and the best hotels abroad.

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