
Saturday 18 November 2023


Two of Italy's World Heritage sites have been targeted by anti-Israel activists, the leaning Tower of Pisa and the famous Cathedral in Florence. The Union of University Students claimed that there were protests in at least 44 different cities in Italy.

That's what happens when you bring in so many foreign students, and economic migrants, they stand against the government and country in which they live. Trump was definitely right with his Muslim travel ban. In 2017, President Trump signed an executive order banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA and slammed the door on economic migrants. It included Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. 

In 2018, the travel ban expanded to include Venezuela and North Korea. Then in 2020, the travel ban was expanded again to include another six countries: Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania citing screening and security concerns. The Policy and Purpose: It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks and other public safety threats.

Don't you think it is time for all countries to do the same has President Trump? The man that had the backbone to do it. Although I would include many more countries. The responsibility of all western governments is to protect its citizens. 

Italy is such a beautiful country, Italy always in my heart, this is a documentary about the cathedral. 

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