
Tuesday 28 November 2023


Another dream received has soon as I drifted off into sleep state and then dream state this night. 

I was in an indoor market with a friend and we were moving about the indoor market together. I then stopped at one of the stalls that had jewellery and some small vintage items that I was looking at. One of the vintage items was Queen Elizabeth's golden coach and horses. 

My friend walked away while I began speaking to the stall holders and we began chatting. I bumped into some of the decorations and some of the decorations had attached themselves to what I was wearing. Hence, one at a time, I was removing them and putting them on the stall. During our conversation, I asked them if they were exhibiting anywhere else. 

They replied that they weren't because they were touring, they shared that they were a (English) female band and they were excited about going on tour. Then some other musicians arrived, some male musicians and we said "hello" because I recognised one of the musicians. They were all really happy. 

I then shared with the girls that I'd received a dream this morning of David Bowie and how he had a mop of blonde hair in ringlets. That is the first time that I've spoken in a dream to people about a different dream within 24 hours of receiving it. 

The venue itself didn't appear to have any importance to the dream, it was more about the band and musicians in the indoor market and the male connection with David. In dream interpretation, if a market was well-stocked and neat, and you were shopping or there was business going on, the augury is that of abundance and prosperity. To buy or sell jewellery pertains to love or domestic affairs. 

In dream interpretation, what is most prominent in a dream is the most important to its interpretation. 

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