
Tuesday 7 November 2023


Yesterday, I received a dream of Jewish people and they were coming has refugees from Israel. The dream was showing that some British Jews were returning to the UK, at a time when some in England are saying that they're thinking of going back to Israel. 

Is that because of a change in the law and proposals that were announced today in the Kings speech?  Or is it because of what their families and friends experienced on the 7th October in Israel has driven them to come back? Nobody likes to live in a war zone and they definitely have a story to tell. 

After I received the dream, later that day, Boris was in the media, he was on a visit to Israel and while he was there, he met some British Jewish people that are in the IDF. 

At Liverpool Street where there was a recent "anti-Israel" sit-in protest, outside is a wonderful statue of Jewish children that were sent to England during WW2 with their little leather cases. The statue is called Kindertransport - Arrival statue (2006), the Bronze memorial sculpture by Frank Meisler. 

With the Holocaust and WW2 still in my memory bank, I remember how pleased I was when I first saw a picture of it honouring the children that were so brave and courageous. I was born just after WW2 and there was still food rationing, my mother definitely suffered during WW2 and I don't think she ever got over it. Her mother and gran suffered too, losing family members in the war. The horror of war we can never forget in the UK and the horror of what happened on the 7th October, we will never forget either.


Is this dream in response to my prayers to keep everyone safe? I didn't post it straight away due to the sensitive nature of the dream. 

UPDATE     9th November, 2023. 

Today, Charles met some of the Jewish people that arrived has Kindertransport children, of course now they are elderly.

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