
Thursday 16 November 2023


MPs call out the police again for not arresting protesters that climbed on war memorials surrounded by poppies last night in Westminster. Once again, the police appear not to know the law of the land. The Daily Express share the following statements: 

"Stoke North MP, Jonathan Gullis pointed out that changes to the law brought by adopting a private members bill he and fellow Tory MP James Sunderland, and ex-colonel, had introduced meant the police could intervene."

Mr Gullis responded: "Yes there is! Check the Police, Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 (Section 50). The powers are there to make arrests for desecrating war memorials to our glorious dead. My friend, James Sunderland and I got the Government to adopt it into law after we introduced the Desecration of War Memorials Bill. Stop making excuses and do your job!".

Many people are shocked in the UK of the disrespect shown to memorials in the UK. 

This Egyptian journalist, Moataz Khalil explains why the Islamic protestors have no respect for any statue or memorial. Strict Islamic ideology disapproves of any and all statues. He also shares that while he was observing the protests in London, a Palestinian woman who was granted political asylum in Britain, strongly criticised the prevalence of these memorials in our streets. She urged her colleagues to place a Palestinian flag at every memorial site to apparently make it known that "London is Arab". 

Read more on the link.

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