
Monday 27 November 2023


At dawn this morning I received a dream and I was on a large escalator going up, it was a steep escalator and very long. Then my body turned and I was on my way down the escalator. When I reached the floor, David Bowie was there and he had a mop of blonde curls in ringlets. I asked him if he had heard from Rosie (she lived nearby in London) and he said, that he hadn't, he then said, "Why don't you write to her?", I replied, "I'd have to find her exact address". I don't think she lives there anymore because years ago I had a dream of her and there was a "for sale" sign outside where she lived. 

Then I asked him if he was going up the escalator with me, and he replied, yes, he would accompany me back up the escalator. 

The escalator is a symbol in dream interpretation because the escalator goes up and down. Going up the escalator is a symbol of success and down is not. However, in this symbolism with the escalator, going down can represent a defeat that can be reversed by the application of intelligent determination. 

Dreaming of someone famous is also relevant in dream interpretation and it means that you must keep trying because you will get help from an unexpected source. It was definitely a surprise to see David Bowie in dream state and he looked great. David was certainly a Londoner where he grew up, although he did have some Irish ancestors. Hence, I do think this dream relates to London and the UK. There are lots of escalators in London, although the last time I visited London was in 2008. 

Since the ligament injury two months ago, I don't feel my best. My body is still recovering from it. I am having regular treatments with my Chiropractor and today, I have an appointment with a Physiotherapist. 

The dream is a dream of hope and it signifies that I can go back up again with intelligent determination with the help that is forthcoming. It is definitely true of London too, yesterday, the largest rally against anti-semitism took place in London, the biggest since 1936. David is connecting with us and watching over us. 

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