
Friday 3 November 2023


In 2007, the Labour Party laid of 8,000 doctors. In the 80s we had nearly 2/3rds more hospital beds than we have now with a soaring population in the UK. In our local area, in 1983, my son was born in a maternity hospital with 35 beds, it was replaced with 11 beds at the local hospital with a soaring population. It is so dire that some mums have had to travel out of the county to give birth. 

In a time when the UK can't recruit enough doctors and nurses, (we didn't train enough of our own staff because David Cameron said it cost £11,000 a year to train a nurse) the medical profession are removing licenses to practise from doctors that refuse to toe the line. 

This female GP has been suspended for telling the truth that the Covid injections harm the people. Instead of having an open debate about the harms caused and excess deaths, censorship of opposing voices continue. Some people think it's over and behind us, it's not, people are still dying suddenly and there are excess deaths in every country that injected their people with the experimental Nanotechnology mRNA.

Not only that but they're building a Moderna factory in the UK and in other countries in Europe. The plan is to keep on injecting the people = depopulation. 

When they keep on closing down the medics that oppose the Covid injections, there is no debate being allowed. Even the Covid Inquiry appears to be on the side of lockdowns and big pharma. 

In Australia, the government's Health Authority are baffled by the huge amount of excess deaths in the last couple of years. 

And Joe Rogan has spoken out about children being injected. There is no scientific evidence to support that children should be given the Nanotechnology mRNA. 

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