
Wednesday 8 November 2023


Finally, a legal case is being brought against AstraZenica in the UK. The headline of the article: 

"Shock claim Oxford AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine was 'defective' as legal case launched". 

"Together, the cases could pave the way for up to £80M of payouts from 80 different claims of vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis(VITT).

However, it has been proven by Dr David Martin that the experimental Covid injections were not in fact "vaccines". Just because something is injected into your arm doesn't make it a vaccine. Dr David Martin has testified to the Freedom Caucus Reps in the US. He has also testified to the EU with a damning report. 

Many countries suspended the use of the AstraZeneca injections due to the harm they were causing. Even their Chief Scientist died too. 

Dr David Martin talking to RFK, Judy Mikovits and Rocco Galati. Dr David Martin describes that they're a device not a vaccine.

A Japanese study found that the AstraZeneca injections also impact on the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries, sciatic nerve and bone marrow.

This book from Dr Peter Breggin and his wife Ginger is definitely worth a look.

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