
Thursday 26 October 2023


It's that time of the year to have soup cooking and one of my favourites is Chicken Noodle soup. 

First I boil and then simmer the bones of a roasted chicken to obtain the chicken brine, the chicken brine is then the base for my soup. Saute an onion in a little butter, this week it is a red onion, red onions have more nutrients than white ones and less oxalates.  Once sauted, into the pot with a chopped carrot and this week I included some swede cut up small and two very small sweet potatoes cubed with a couple of cups of water. 

For the chicken I put in some fresh uncooked off the bone chicken leg pieces and season to taste. The egg noodles are included towards the end. I keep on tasting until I'm happy with it. 

A lovely hearty, healthy soup, chicken brine is great for collagen.  I bought some leeks today, so whatever is left over will have some leek included. I used to put celery into the chicken noodle soup but I'm trying to reduce the amount of foods with oxalates. That means I have to think about what I'm cooking and decide what is most important for a particular soup. 

With oxalate clearing it is very important to do it slowly and I am now 9 months in since I reduced the amount of potatoes in my menus by 98%. Within two months an eye condition called "Blepharitis" stopped. Within 4 months I shed 2 stone in weight, I'm still weighing in between 61-63 kilos and my weight has stayed stable for the last five to six months. 

I've had to slow down the oxalate clearing, so taking it very gently. My GI tract has been a lot happier too since I began to have coconut yoghurt with my golden sultanas for breakfast. Sometimes I have lemon juice with it too. The golden raisons soaked in gin are for my hands, it is a miraculous remedy that completely stops any arthritic pain in the hands, just a teaspoonful a day, keeps the pain killers away. 

Wishing you all great health and happiness. 

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