
Tuesday 10 October 2023

RARE YOD SOLAR ECLIPSE 14th October, 2023

14th of October, 2023, a rare YOD Solar eclipse in Libra.  I'm attending a dog's 1st birthday party this Saturday, big smiles. The YOD is called the "Finger of God". I can definitely feel the solar eclipse energies coming in and I do think that the most recent dream received is connected to the solar eclipse energies, indicates a moving on and leaving the building that I was in. 

I cancelled the electricians arriving this week to rewire home and while I was listening to Sky, my Chiropractor phoned to postpone our appointment until tomorrow. 

Sky speaks of shifting relevance, transformative, and life changes, that connects with the recent dream too. I'm being shown a male Angel of Change, a different view of time and what we do with our time. 

For instance while giving divine guidance to a friend on Saturday, it was shown that she wasn't having pleasure time with people in her own age group and was being advised to get involved in pleasurable activities. It's really important to have a balance in your life of work and play.

I do have Libra in my chart, I have Neptune in Libra, don't have any Aries in my chart. 

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