
Saturday 14 October 2023

LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE 14th October, 2023

Molly looks at the planetary configuration for this Libra Solar Eclipse on the 14th October, 2023. 

"Karmic cycles ending, New Connections." It reminds me of has a door closes, new doors open up. 

Sometimes those new doors are shown to you prior to a door closing. I'd also say that if you have integrated the inner work of letting go, it is a far easier process and you may have already let go of something or someone while the energies of this Libra Solar Eclipse have been coming in. I usually feel the energies for a couple of weeks prior to an eclipse and the energies get stronger the closer the eclipse comes. 

Molly says that this is the end of a 9 year cycle and it can indicate a rebalancing of your life. 

Does this Libra Solar eclipse interpretation resonate with you? Interesting that it aligns with the biblical verse of the day. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is good, pleasing and perfect will". Romans 12:2. 

Taking some time out when the energies on the planet can be quite heavy, can be very beneficial for you mind, body and Spirit. The energies were certainly heavy in the lead up to what has taken place in the Middle East. I pray that the war will end quickly. I've been forced to rest due to a ligament injury, my Chiropractor says it can take the leg 6-8 weeks to fully recover. I'm now in week 2 since t began. 

I have Neptune in Libra in my chart and the dreams received in the lead up to this solar eclipse were interesting. From being taken away from an exhibition hall to seeing a tree crashing down onto a modern house owned by someone else. Synchronicity, the weekend after this solar eclipse, I will be attending an MBS expo. Hence, the dreams do feel aligned with the timeline. 

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