
Wednesday 11 October 2023


During the night I was dipping in and out of dream state, in different dreams. The last dream that I remember I will share in this blogpost. 

I was with a couple, admiring their beautiful garden that they had cultivated in different areas of their garden. While we were in the garden, a huge tree came crashing down and through the roof of their house. We were standing there watching it happen. 

The damage to the house was huge and I remember thinking that I had some boxes of things that were going for auction or the charity shop in that house where the tree came down. 

In dream interpretation an old house signifies a reunion or renewal of an old association. A new house predicts financial security. The house in the dream wasn't old and it didn't look new either, it looked like a modern house from the outside of it though. 

A garden in bloom is the absolute best and foretells spiritual satisfaction, domestic love, and financial security. The couple in the dream were proud of what they had achieved with the garden. Some houses have been built too close to large trees, some are much taller than the houses, some have rot and when the high winds come, some trees go down. I noticed numerous trees go down on a field and near woodland last winter. 

The crashing tree reminds me of the Omaze home where the neighbours in Devon have complained about the trees and the tree surgeon has quoted £10,000 to cut some of them back. £10,000 for a tree surgeon is a lot of money and there is a huge amount of trees on that property. For all of the trees it could cost the £100,000 cash that the Omaze winner can win. 

The dream is reminding us that nature is powerful and people have to pay attention to the health of their trees. Big trees are stronger than houses, remember that when choosing a home. It looks like the tree surgeons are going to be busy again this winter and car insurance has doubled since last year. 

When I asked the car insurance company why, they replied that the cost of claims for cars had increased hugely due to trees that had come down on cars. However, we know from research that repair claims for cars have also gone up by at least 33% and if an EV car is damaged it is often a write off. Hence the cost of EV cars is also increasing the cost of car insurance for everyone. 

In spiritual symbology, a tree can be symbolic of life, a tree of life, the beginning and the ending of a cycle of life. Indicating that property purchases and property investments are fragile and cannot be controlled due to natural external factors. We can anticipate that building insurance has gone up too. 

and more 

This is the 2nd crashing dream that I received in recent weeks, the first one was a large pole that came down on a car, that large pole was close to the house.

So what does the bible say about crashing trees? 

"If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth, and if a tree fall towards the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth there shall it be. He that watches the wind will not sow, and he that looks at the clouds will not reap".  Ecc 11:3-4

"Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience". Hebrews 4:11.  

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